Look no further if you are looking for a home for sale in the Waccamaw District. Below are the 30 newest listings to come on the market within the Waccamaw School District. Click on any home for more information.
Homes for Sale in the Waccamaw School District
Waccamaw Schools
Waccamaw Elementary School (Kindergarten – 3rd Grade)
1364 Waverly Road, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Waccamaw Intermediate School (4th Grade – 6th Grade)
320 Wildcat Way, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Waccamaw Middle School (7th Grade and 8th Grade)
247 Wildcat Way, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Waccamaw High School (9th Grade – 12th Grade)
2412 Kings River Road, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
When you are ready to start looking for a home for sale in the Waccamaw School District, give me at call at 843-267-2710 or start looking on my website. Happy house hunting!!
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